Unsaid Labs

Maria gave a Master Class in listening

- Naveen Jain, CEO Viome

Maria was so effective I forgot there were other people on the virtual call

- Vishen Lakhiani, CEO Mind Valley

You just witnessed the intangible become real

- David Asprey, Founder Bullet Coffee

Unsaid Labs

Maria gave a Master Class in listening

- Naveen Jain, CEO Viome

Maria was so effective I forgot there were other people on the virtual call

- Vishen Lakhiani, CEO Mind Valley

You just witnessed the intangible become real

- David Asprey, Founder Bullet Coffee

Experience Real Connection in a Hyper Digital World

Experience Real Connection in a Hyper Digital World

Now is the time to attend a Lab!

Participate in an experience where everyone shows up in person, not as an image on a screen. Learn how developing active listening skills deepens connections, builds trust, and revitalizes meaningful interactions.

Attend a lab and learn a specific tool that can address a broad array of problems

How hearing the Unsaid changes everything in business

Communication breakdowns cause:

  • Employee dissatisfaction
  • Team conflict
  • Redundant meetings and time waste
  • Reduction in client retention
As an FBI hostage negotiator, I know firsthand how communication breakdowns impede results. I can give you the tools to move from reluctance to partnership and crisis to collaboration. Take your organization to the next level with fewer meetings, effective and innovative team results, increased employee performance and enthusiasm and loyal clients eager to keep your business. 

Strengthen your most important relationships and deepen your connections

Communication breakdowns cause:

  • Conflict in your personal relationships
  • Anxiety, depression and isolation
  • Feelings of being unheard which can result in resentment
As an FBI agent and hostage negotiator, I built relationships that moved from crisis to understanding. Today, technology has increased our digital contacts, yet we feel less connected. Do you want to increase the quality of your key relationships with partners, parents, children and friends? Do you want to feel greater harmony and less conflict? Do you want to learn how to feel heard and build understanding? 


Hearing the Unsaid amplifies insight.

The Greatest Connection is to be Understood

In a time when technology has created digital contacts, social, business, and personal relationships feel more fragmented than ever. Build trust, empower courage, and create community through listening.